31 DECEMBER 2004

To round off the year, Stairway To Hell becomes completely banner and popup-free, thanks to some quality hosting provided by Gary Forrest of www.NETnorth.co.uk.

We even have a brand new phpBB-powered Forum to replace the ad-ridden "EZboard". Note that users of the old board should email me with their username so I can reset the account password. Alternatively, existing users can simply re-register with a new username.

Just as a little FYI, NETnorth is also the backbone behind these other Acorn-oriented sites:

Finally, can I just say that I'm indebted to The Fox of EmuUnlim (our former host) as the webspace they provided was absolutely instrumental in the growth and development of STH.

 21 DECEMBER 2004

Steve Humphreys contributed a BBC Disc Image for Match Day by Ocean.

I can barely believe that I neglected to include this classic in the archive, so if you spot any more glaring omissions, be sure to let me know asap!

 20 DECEMBER 2004

Mike Wyatt updated BeebEm to version 2.1 and it features the following changes:

As a result of the improvements to the Tape support, BeebEm will now run more of the High Quality UEF Tape Images that were recently added to The Acorn Preservation Project.

 17 DECEMBER 2004

Added a BBC UEF Tape image for Crazy Tracer (Acornsoft).

 13 DECEMBER 2004


Warren, who up until a couple of years ago was responsible for maintaining the fantastic HVSC archive, also recommends a few other Beeb-related SIDS for our listening pleasure ...


TAPES.-.Acorn.BBC.Micro.+.Acorn Electron.-.Games.-.CSW.(acornpreservation.org).(0.001).rar

To get the files, just download and install the eMule P2P client, then simply click the above links (please remember to keep the files shared after download, which will make it easier for other users to obtain the files).

 6 DECEMBER 2004


The Acorn Preservation project

UEFwalk is a script to verify, catalogue and extract data from BBC emulator files. It conforms to UEF specifications up to v0.10, and requires Perl 5 and Gzip. Includes Kleen, a suite of scripts for creating high fidelity UEF files from cassettes.

They are now also released as a Basic 'shell archive' for easier installation.

DT2K4 is a toolset to transfer files from a BBC micro over a serial link. The host can be any ASCII terminal with a logging facility; the log can be decoded elsewhere using common archiving programs.

 5 DECEMBER 2004

Jason Watton posted the following to the BBC Mailing List:

A FreeDOS bootable floppy image of OmniDisk has now been added to make trying it easier (especially for Windows XP with NTFS hard disks...). Same URL (http://www.8bs.com/submit/omnidisk/OmniDisk.htm).

For some crazy reason I changed the 'DFS80' format to use 5.25" drives by default (if it ain't broke...). If you used auto-sensing this wouldn't matter - if you used 'DFS80' it would (with a warning). I've changed the default back because everyone out there appears to be using 3.5" drives - please download v3.6 again if you used the 'DFS80' shortcut.

 4 DECEMBER 2004

Mike Wyatt released version 2.0 of BeebEm which features an integrated debugger and emulation of the 65C02 second processor (enabling you to run the Tube Enhanced version of Elite).

 1 DECEMBER 2004

Jason Watton has updated his OmniDisk utility to v3.6.

 28 NOVEMBER 2004

John Simpson provided a BBC Disc Image containing what appears to be a pre-release copy of Volcano. He's noted the differences between this version and the official Acornsoft release, and his observations have been added to Lost & Found. Thanks also to Sid Bricknell who provided John with the game for conversion.

Sid has also forwarded several disc boxes containing BBC educational software, which I'll make a start on converting (to ssd/dsd) next month.

 27 NOVEMBER 2004



Explorer (click to enlarge)

 25 NOVEMBER 2004


Writes Andrew:

1) AJH Adventures: 'Soft Porn' and 'Andy Adventure'
AJH Adventures includes 'Soft Porn' (a conversion from an IBM PC game) and 'AndyAdv', an (unfinished) original adventure that I was developing using the game engine from Peter Killworth's Penguin book How To Write Adventure Games. Note: Soft Porn (as you can guess) has an 'adult' theme!\

2) 'Roman Adventure'
Having long ago worked my way through the How To Write Adventure Games book, I have compiled a disk with the three games Peter Killworth describes. The disk image is called 'Roman Adventure' as this is the central game developed through most of the book. (Note: Peter wrote the following Acornsoft adventures: Philosophers Quest, Castle of Riddles and Countdown to Doom)

Andrew's own adventures have also been included within Lost & Found.

 23 NOVEMBER 2004

James "Dudleysoft" Watson provided a Screenshot Map of his Black Widow 2 game [ Game Help ] plus a scan of the letter he received from publishers Superior Software, in 1994.

Black Widow 2 map

 22 NOVEMBER 2004



GoMMC now supports ADFS harddiscs, up to 512 MB in size. In a nutshell, for those not familiar with GoMMC, this means that the entire contents of one or more physical, noisy, clicking, nearly-failing ;-) old harddiscs can be moved to an MMC (MultiMedia Card), named, and used just like before, via ADFS 1.30 (BBC) or 1.50 (Master).

It also means that backup of these beasts is greatly simplified. Simply copy the contents of your harddisc to the MMC, put the MMC in a PC based flash card reader, extract the file containing the harddisc contents, and backup on CD/DVD-ROM.

GoMMC details on:

More in-depth (owner) info available via:

 21 NOVEMBER 2004



Fortune Valley
Fortune Valley

Hi Lo
Hi Lo

The Lost Treasure of King Raybon
The Lost Treasure of King Raybon

The Search for Princess Lavinia
The Search for Princess Lavinia


Super Hanger
Super Hanger

Wizard Adventure
Wizard Adventure

Though I really must apologise to Robert: he sent me the files quite some time back (erm, like over a year ago) - but I filed them and they've only just been re-discovered. :o(

Cave Rescue
Cave Rescue


Both were written (and provided by) BeebEm author: Mike Wyatt.

Black Widow 2

From James:


I recently put out a request on your messageboards for a game I wrote 10 years ago, called Black Widow 2, this was an arcade adventure/shoot-em-up game that was published on the Acorn Computing Subscription disk in 1994, I've now been provided with a copy of my game and would like to submit it to the site for inclusion.

A little bit of history (or why is there's no Black Widow 1?)

Like most of my projects Black Widow 1 was started but got no further than the starts of an engine, it was going to be an Operation Wolf style game but without the scrolling, I got as far as drawing the backdrop, moving a couple of sprites around and moving the cross-hair, and that was all she wrote (so to speak).

For some reason I liked the name black widow and so I started work on a new game back in 1989, I can't remember exactly when, I know that I worked on the game for a while and had a set of editors and other tools (including my own Assembler), then I got an Archimedes and well, that was that for BBC Programming.

Or so I thought.

In 1994 my Archimedes developed a serious fault and wouldn't boot up, and whilst it was in the shop (some place in Glasgow, can't remember the name) I pulled my old BBC out and was playing around with the various disks I had, when I found this old game. Black Widow 2, I decided with nothing else to do that I'd finish the game, two weeks later and I had a completed game, I quickly put together a couple of documents and sent it off to Superior software, after a couple of months with no reply, I thought that Superior had stopped doing BBC games (when I wrote the letter they were still releasing Play It Again Sam disks) and so I sent a submission to Acorn Computing (I still think of it as the Micro User) and got an almost instant reply saying they would publish it.

Just before the game was published in Acorn Computing I received a reply from Superior Software saying that they liked the game but weren't planning any more BBC games at the time and didn't think they'd be releasing any more in the future. I've still got the original letter from them along with the letter I sent to Acorn Computing and a photocopy of the page from the magazine itself when the game was featured (for some reason they changed the name of the enemy from the Black Shadow to the Purple Shadow, dunno why)

Included in this mail is a .ZIP file with an SSD image of the game (with a quick bugfix for BeebEm, note the bug is in BeebEm, not my game) and also instructions for the game.

I'm working on a map of the entire game which isn't ready yet, I've mapped just over half of the game (it has 96 screens some of which have to be revisited, or passed through multiple times to complete the game) so far, however it's been a while since I last played the game and I'm having to remember where to go and how to complete the game (I have done this numerous times during development and I'm sure I can get the map together soon)

Finally I'd like to thank Dick Greening for finding a copy of my game and for providing me with an SSD image of it so I could finally play my game again after 10 years, and also allow others to play my game as well.


James Watson

PS I'm not the same James Watson who has contributed to the site before, strange though it may seem there are actually two James Watson's programming for the BBC Micro, I always programmed under the name DudleySoft, and still use the name today.

 20 NOVEMBER 2004



plus Micro User companion cassettes for:

Thanks to Dave Edwards for providing Zombie Island and Wouter Scholten for the German version of Planetoid.


Again, thanks to Dave for Shark Attack and Wouter for the German Acornsoft software.


Repton 2

Hi, if you are interested the idea of open source BBC Emulator Development, then you just found the right place to be. Please contact me if you feel you can contribute, Here are a few things I would really like to get working in this emulator:

  • The BBC Master
  • BBC B solidisc sideways RAM (128K top 8 banks, mapped in with the userport as the rom select)
  • BBC B oversized ROMS (a number of companies released 32K 64K and even 128K roms that would get paged into 16K rom sockets)
  • BBC B Opus Chanenger (an external disc drive with up to 512K of ram disc)
  • BBC B speech hardware
  • Cassette Loading support
  • BBC Master Second processor support (6502, Z80 and maybe even the 80286).

I would like to get a group together to make some of these things happen. If you can help please contact me at mess@jefferyes.org

 1 NOVEMBER 2004

Added 29 Cover Scans.

 18 OCTOBER 2004

Added BBC Disc image and Cover Scan for Ingrid's Back (Level 9).

This rare graphical adventure is the sequel to Gnome Ranger and to be honest, I wasn't entirely convinced that it even existed until it popped up on eBay in August.

As is the case with other late-period L9 releases (e.g. Gnome Ranger, Lancelot, Scapeghost) you'll need a seriously beefed-up BBC B, or a BBC B Plus/Master to run it with full graphics.

PC users should be able to get it going with Tom Seddon's Model B emulator. For detailed setup instructions, refer to melchett's post within this thread on the Messageboard.

But wait, there's more! If you head over to the Acorn Preservation Project you'll find high-quality scans of all accompanying documentation and packaging!

Ingrid's Back [in-game gfx]

Ingrid's Back [cover scan]

 17 OCTOBER 2004


 16 OCTOBER 2004

Mike Wyatt has updated the BeebEm emulator to v1.6, and it includes the following changes:

Older news:

EUG#65 logo

And whilst you're there, check out the rest of his site, which has seen lots of new additions in recent months ...

Egghead in Space

It's a conversion of Jonathan Cauldwell's Spectrum platformer of the same name, and is due out in November.

Repton 2 PC from Superior Interactive

GoMMC fitted in a BBC B
GoMMC in a BBC B
Click to enlarge

GoMMC fitted in a BBC Master
GoMMC in a BBC Master
Click to enlarge

Chris Richardson (of 8BS) has managed to fit the entire 8BS, BBC Lives and Stairway to Hell archives onto one card ... and there's still plenty of room left!!

You can read his review here.

 15 SEPTEMBER 2004

Mike Wyatt has released v1.5 of the BeebEm emulator, for Windows.

The following things have changed since Richard Gellman's v1.41 build:

 13 AUGUST 2004

Richard Brown has updated his UEFReader utility to support the 0.10 UEF specification.

 10 AUGUST 2004

Ali Campbell sent in a UEF image of Beebug Vol 5 No 5 - Oct 1986  [ BBC Tape Image Archive ].

 9 AUGUST 2004

Added 35 new Cover Scans.

 8 AUGUST 2004



Both files have been added to the BBC Disc Image archive (in the Various folder).

 1 AUGUST 2004


More bits and pieces - which I've been sent over the past 12 months - to follow soon.

 27 JULY 2004


 24 JULY 2004


The game features both a monochrome version (for regular Model Bs) and an enhanced, colour version for the Master 128k.

Pipeline Plus

It's been programmed by Darren Izzard (author of PC Ravenskull) with level design by Darren, Ian Rees (Galaforce Worlds author) and James Watson. A trial version is available on Superior's website. Apparently, Repton 2 is nearing completion too, which can only be a good thing!

 23 JULY 2004

News (mostly old):

... a couple of sites I created months ago (but didn't bother announcing anywhere).

Unsurprisingly, I've failed to make a single update to either since their creation (I think the Manuals one has actually been online for about a year now, albeit at a different location!).

Superior Interactive will have a stand, as will Chris Richardson and Jeremy Grayson (who are exhibiting under the guise of "BBC Computer Games Resources"). Check out the CGE-UK website for more details.

Update (yes, really!):

As usual, I've got month's worth of genuine mails to route out from reams and reams of spam. I'll try and reply to as many as I can this weekend.

 10 APRIL 2004

Tom Seddon released v10-04-04 of Model B, which sees the addition of a vSync option.

 6 APRIL 2004

Link added to Retro Gamer - the professional new Retro-Gaming magazine, which is being published bi-monthly by Live Publishing.

Retro Gamer magazine

The next issue (#3) includes a big feature on Acorn (check out the pic!) and is available April 15th.

 5 APRIL 2004

Tom Walker has released v0.7 of B-Em (BBC Micro emulator for DOS & Windows) and the big news is that Tom has cracked Master emulation (well, nearly!) ...


It's worth pointing out that the Windows build is now very smooth and responsive, and support for UEF Tape images is much, much better (it even loads stuff like Firetrack and the Level 9 Adventures, which feature loading music). And check out the new and improved "disc drive noise" - quite possibly the bestest feature in any emulator ever!!

All in all, it's an excellent little release - thanks Tom, keep it up!

 4 APRIL 2004

Added Official Hintsheets for the following Level 9 Adventures, to the Game Help pages:

 3 APRIL 2004

Added a couple of Vine Micro's Replay cheat sheets, thanks to Stephen Gilbert  [ Cheats ].

More needed!

 1 APRIL 2004

Just a quick update to mark our fifth Birthday:

Danni Segal provided a screenshot map for Devil's Domain (Micropower)  [ Game Help ].

Danni has also pledged to route out his old Adventure columns & solutions from his A&B Computing days. Watch this space ...

 21 MARCH 2004



 20 MARCH 2004

"Bill Carr" supplied the passwords for Weenies  [ Cheats ].

David P provided some info on the mysterious Q-Boyd  [ Lost & Found ].

 17 MARCH 2004


You'll find all the maps on the Game Help pages.

 16 MARCH 2004

Tom Seddon has released another version of Model B (v 15-3-2004), which fixes a number of bugs.


 8 MARCH 2004



As it's a first release, it also lacks a few features, notably:


Exile 2?

 23 FEBRUARY 2004

Tom Seddon has released version 22-2-2004 of his ace BBC emulator Model B.


Ovine (creators of the recent Imogen conversion) have switched their attention to two more all-time Beeb favourites:

In remaking CHOLO we have decided to make a number of improvements. The original has a very simple 3D wireframe view, this will be improved immensely for starters (see screenshots of our early 3D view). But also the gameplay, with more hacks, programs and the ability to enter more or less every building.

The visual design is very specific. We are trying to create the view through the eyes of a robot, hence the colours, textures and TRON-like style. Even video feedback and distortion! So far our trials are giving good results. The screenshots to the right on my lowly Radeon 8500 are giving an average of 80 frames per second updates, and we now have a fair few triangles in the 3D world.

Please be sure to view our blogg pages for the latest information about our Cholo remake.

This has been the number one requested remake for some time now. So we decided to start it.

We are extending the replay function - so that completed levels can be sent to friends etc. The GFX are been given an overhaul and some sound will be added. Hopefully a nice tune can accompany your gaming experience.

Please be sure to view out blogg pages for the latest information about our XOR remake.

 1 FEBRUARY 2004

Emulator homepage moves:

Please update links and bookmarks!

 28 JANUARY 2004


B-EM is available for DOS and Windows. Source code is also available.

Click here to see what was new in 2003.